
Colleen's thoughts on writing, directing and coaching, and her unique take on life itself!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A report from fitness boot camp!

After my first week at the Seattle Weight Loss Boot Camp I'm thrilled to report that it's tough, it's challenging, and it's for those of us who want to get down and dirty (um, literally as I discovered) and get fit as the proverbial fiddle.

Our "Drill Instructor" turns out to be a knowledgeable, caring, nurturing and demanding coach, Kimae Dolan. She understands the physical and nutritional sides of being healthy and fit, and knows how to work with cancer survivors like me who have undergone extensive chemotherapy and radiation.

Fortunately for me, she is not humor-challenged and appreciates those of us who enjoy hard work! I love to sing (OK, this may come to a vote, I understand..) and encourage others as I push myself as much as I can - or have been instructed to.

There are some terrific women in my group. All ages, races and body types. Of the three morning groups she coaches, ours is the smallest - between 8 and 9 of us depending on the day.

We do everything outside because as studies have found, that is the fastest way to lose fat. Walking the uneven terrain, dealing with a variety of temperatures and humidity, it all adds up to more of a physical challenge than a floored room with a comfortable temperature.

That's not to say those cushy conditions are ineffective - just that being outside consumes more calories!

Walking and running up trails and hills, working with weights, doing lots of exercises - familiar and new - all add up to me feeling pretty doggone great today. I'm already lighter, and eating more carefully because I don't want to undo and regain what I've worked hard to lose!

Sleep is very important - we have to get rest or we'll get sick because of the demands being made on our bodies. I've been unbelievably good about getting to bed early since the alarm goes off before dawn to line up on time to hit the trail.

Each boot camp series runs for four weeks - meeting every morning, Monday through Thursday.

I think two elements make it even more successful for me: first, knowing that someone is expecting me (as I look forward to seeing the great women I've met), and second, being coached by someone who not only cares about her clients but is extremely knowledgeable using a holistic approach to nutrition and approaches to specific, individual physiological challenges that need attention to become optimally physically fit.

Of course, if I were the slightest bit competitive .. I suppose I might push myself a little more to, ah, you know .. keep up .. ;-)

I'm already planning to sign up for next month's workouts. Expect before and after photos when the "after" happens!!

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Note to self: Ten-huh!

I attended my first session at a Seattle fitness boot camp - a combination of hard exercise and nutritional coaching held outdoors, rain or shine, Monday through Thursday mornings 7-8:15 a.m. for four weeks.

The coach definitely knows what she's doing and is appropriately supportive and helpful, which gives me great hope for some real progress over the next month. I've wanted to be part of an exercise program that keeps me accountable as well as receiving proper coaching and nutrition guidance, and sure enough - I found it just last week, in time for today's starting date.

After the physical assessment/evaluation this morning, I was surprised I'm in as good a shape as I am. I've taken some *serious* time off walking and working out as much as I had been enjoying earlier this year, and I'd much rather be writing than dashing about. But it's time to buckle down, restructure my schedule and re-establish my healthiest form.

If my experience this morning is any indication, I'm on my way!

Please remember this upbeat post as I start to grumble and mumble and curse and grouse as the end of the four weeks approaches .. ;-)

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Springing into action!

Ah, Spring!

Time to renew, clean house, plant seeds, watch plants grow, put on my sunglasses and bask in the sunlight that has made its rare appearance this year in the Northwest.

Yesterday was the first day of my physical rejuvenation and fitness program! I want to finish losing the weight I "found" when I couldn't be active while recovering from surgery for the past 3 months.

I just joined a free nutrition-exercise online service that provides the same information and benefits for individual members and support groups as those charging cold hard cash, SparkPeople.

The same caveat emptor is always a given when I mention any website I've found, but I will say for myself that I find it very helpful.

It's the old eat properly and move enough to burn up calories formula with a lot of support.

I'm not much of a joiner, so my support will basically be checking in every day, keeping track of everything I eat, drinking my 8 glasses (at least) of water and my exercise choices (cardio and strength training).

SparkPeople has a lot of food and menu choices for my personal program, which I need since I don't cook very much (I consider peeling an orange "cooking").

This is a day to day process for me, the old "one day at a time" ritual.

I have very realistic weight loss and optimal health goals, which I can achieve just by paying attention to what I'm eating and pushing myself to *move* every day. It's not a source of stress or pressure or discomfort for me - just a fact of life, part of my daily schedule.

And I do have to schedule exercise as well as plan my menu for the following day to make certain I stay on track because nearly twice the number of people I normally coach are seeking my services and I said "yes." Several of them take more than one session at a time, so 23 people is a lot to coach and mentor, but I'm too easy. As soon as they tell me, "Your the *only* one who understands how to help me ..."

I'm screwed- I mean, I'm *hooked* and agree to coach them.

I also bought a road (as opposed to competitive or mountain) bicycle to make sure I don't rely on my car so much, especially for all the errands I run that are too distant for walking (I do walk for those within a mile or two) and not so far that I necessarily need a car to get there and back in a reasonable time.

I'm not wild about having bicyle helmet hair, but it's worth it to keep the cardio pumping at times it would ordinarily be a mellow car passenger. I bought it - practically brand new - at a neighborhood pawn shop. It's in perfect shape and cost only about half its normal price. I also bought saddle bags to carry goods from my errands, and lights - head and rear, in case I find myself peddling at night. I bought them through ebay - again, a great savings, even after shipping costs.

I ordinarily buy most things online now through amazon.com because it has a delivery cost ceiling - apparently not so at ebay. I got burned a couple times with outlandish shipping charges from ebay items, so I shop there very little any more - only when I can find an excellent bargain with reasonable delivery charges.

I've also started walking three miles around a nearby lake with my friend Michelle. I'll take Junior - my new pup - with me next time. He walks like a little Pomeranian show dog champion, so it should be fun watching people react to him.

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