
Colleen's thoughts on writing, directing and coaching, and her unique take on life itself!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Changing it up

Mercifully, my friend Will helped me build a new metal fence for my back yard so my pups can no longer escape when one of them (Soul Seeker) chews another big hole, the other two bounding after him.

I have no doubt they left the neighbors shaken from their notorious, menacing pack patrol posture for which my three 5-pound Pomeranians are renowned.


Actually, come to think of it, I helped Will, but what does building a fence credit count between friends?

So I'm back to sleeping soundly, knowing the little critters are locked and loaded inside the yard and can no longer put themselves in harm's way, even for a few minutes. Thanks, Will.

I have so much writing to do - between two feature scripts that are going to be produced, another animated feature and a couple other projects - I decided to change the scenery and ambiance to work. Instead of working at home - great as the fireplace is - I'm going to a local coffee shop with free wifi.

Which one is the question.

I've got a short list I'll be trying to see if it's a good idea. For me because I can work away for long periods of time and don't like to be bothered; for them so they don't think I'm taking up space that could be used by someone who eats and drinks more than I do.

Noise doesn't bother me because I spent so many of my formative years in newsrooms with police, fire, state patrol and sheriff radios blaring - at one time topped with the cacophony of wire service machines clacking and ringing when a bulletin crossed.

I live relatively near the University of Washington district, so there are probably lots of students who have the same idea, so a writer shouldn't cause any problems. It's also the reason there is this list of places in the region with free wifi and decent, reasonably priced food and drink.

I read that August Wilson used to write every day at a certain Seattle cafe. Maybe this will help my writing.

And my shape.

I figure I'll ride my new bicycle to these places so it won't take me an hour or more to walk to them. I'll load my scripts, research books, writing impliments, laptop, bike lock, rain cap, yadda yadda yadda in my new Sierra Club rucksack (could this scene possibly reek any more of Seattle?) and strike out for the first destination - a coffee shop that serves crêpes. Which, hopefully will be authentically French, parce-que je l'aime beaucoup.

If all this works out and I find just the right place, I'll put the picture up here.

Meanwhile I have my selections of songs down to about 40 for the potential singing competition. I'm driving some very patient people a little crazy - singing each of them to see if they think I should perform them. You know, if I sound good enough to perform them. So far we've eliminated one. Another couple of sessions with patient listeners next week should tell the story. I need to get the selection down to about a dozen.

I continue to work out weekday mornings at the nearby gym with my very kewl workout partner. I can't believe how much I'm enjoying it! And how much I continue to change up my nutrition program with good stuff.

There will be lots of news to report in the next few weeks; everything is proceeding positively one step at a time, moving forward as it/they should.

Hey, thanks for reading my blog - so far this month readers from 50 nations are tuning in. I have a couple show biz subjects I want to cover, which is always positive - and the hits go through the ceiling when I write about politics, so of course I'll be sure to cover those subjects.

I'm torn between Senators Clinton and Obama - wishing they'd join forces and run as P/VP. I don't even care who would be which. Together they'd put America back on the track of which we and the rest of the world can be proud in record time. Separately? It will take awhile.

Senator McCain, unbelievably, continues to tell the same tall stories Bush told us that got us into Iraq when we had no business invading the country. There are a million ways to fight terrorists; starting wars in nations that are not a threat to us in a region akin to a very dry powder keg sitting next to a lighted match is not one of them. And continuing to put more and more forces in does nothing to establish peace because the Iraqi government continues to do nearly nothing to create a political solution to their violent differences. Differences that existed before Saddam's iron fist crushed their enmity, and will continue after the US evacuates.

If Iraqis are only shown by invading forces that the way to "peace" is war, then they'll continue the war they have been fighting for centuries. A good role model showing them how to live in prosperous peace would have been a good thought. Too bad our President and his advisors had no idea how to create such a plan.

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Fa la la la la

I'm singing tonight at Nedra Gaskill's annual Christmas Recital.

The three songs: "Consider Yourself" (from Oliver!), "Hard Candy Christmas" (sob! Made famous by Dolly Parton), and "Christmas Tree" - a fun party song that everyone in the audience sings as well, which will close the show.

Its chorus goes: "Oh ..... What a happy Christmas party, what a merry Christmas tree!"

The other singers tend to be more formal and serious, wearing black and all. I tend to bring ham.. um, I mean cheese .. I mean colorful interpretpation to the evening.

I enjoy singing and entertaining audiences so much. My little heart skips a beat when I see them laugh, cry or just stay awake as I perform...

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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sing, dance and celebrate an icon

Last Saturday I had the honor and enjoyed myself immensely MC'ing and singing throughout the evening to celebrate the 60th birthday of my nationally renowned singing teacher and coach Nedra Gaskill!

The joint was jumping, the place was packed with well-wishers, most of whom were singers, who shared their talents throughout the evening.

More, Nedra's sis Lois flew in from California to get down with all of us show bizzers.

She had a terrific time watching all of us perform. That's her on the right with Nedra and her granddaughter.

The fantastic dinner was catered by Nedra's son-in-law, a chef, so we scarfed magnificent large mushrooms stuffed with crab, caesar salad, pasta, salmon and stuffed chicken breast and many more delicacies.

I sang three songs: the touching "Don't Worry," a country hit written by Marty Robbins, "Little Girls," from the Broadway smash "Annie," which I hammed up completely in costume with a whiskey flask. Co-starring with me were Nedra's fantastic granddaughters!

I ended with "You Raise Me Up," which I sang to Nedra on everyone's behalf because she raises us all to be more than we can be!

Groups and individuals performed all four hours I was there, and were still going strong as I left!

Folk, opera, pop, alternative, gospel, country, Broadway and other genres were represented throughout the evening. As well as tons of laughter and a spirit I think most of us wish our nation had at this time. Music is not only the equalizer among humans, it's a a genuine uniter.

There's nothing like hearing a room full of singers sweetly harmonizing to such touching selections as "The Circle Game," or blowing the roof off the room with the rousing gospel crowd pleaser, "I'll Fly Away." The acoustics were brilliant.

Non-singing guests had as good a time as those of us who sang our hearts out. Meanwhile, if you've ever wanted to sing, write music, play an instrument or express yourself tunefully in some way, Nedra reminded us of k.d. lang's quote: "Don't die with music inside you."

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